The overall objective of the AI-AGE project is to strengthen research excellence by building scientific and innovation capacity in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) for application in health and aging. This is an interdisciplinary research combining two priority areas of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (2019-2024) for Montenegro: ICT and Medicine and human health.

The objective of the project is identification of novel non-invasive biomarkers of aging through applications of AI and HPC in medicine, strengthening research excellence in Montenegro and building scientific and innovation capacity. The project encourages research interdisciplinarity, involvement of young researchers and gender equality, cooperation with renowned international research teams and engagement of scientific diaspora.
Specific research objectives of the project are:
- Application of explainable AI for identification of new putative biomarkers of aging through state of the art analysis of non-invasive diagnostic biomedical images and other medical data
- Application of explainable AI to support identification of unique changes in retinal morphology specific to patients with AD, as well as a distinct set of changes specific to patients with cancer
- Experimenting with various AI/ML techniques and ensemble methods that combine multiple ML approaches in order to achieve better performance and accuracy when dealing with medical images and/or other medical data (sensor measurements, text/meta descriptors, etc.)